Book cover of Polly's Brolly by Tim Claydon-Butler

Polly really HATES the rain...

Life can be tricky at times - as Polly finds out as she tries to get out of the rain.

She encounters Jungles, Caves and Volcanoes, Bats, Birds and Bowers in her escape from the rain.

But with resolve, determination and ingenuity Polly finds that the solution to her problem isn't what she first thought.

The story is told in rhyme and is enjoyable to read together - with each turn of the page we find another challenge to be overcome, but Polly does find happiness in the end!

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Who is Polly?

Polly's Brolly is set in Papua New Guinea and features Polly, a female Eclectus Parrot. They are unusual in that Male and Female have very different plumage. They are known for being friendly and can be trained to speak.

All the birds and habitats that Polly encounters in the story are in context of the diverse geography and landscapes of her home country.

Where did the idea come from?

The idea came from a doodle I did of a parrot. It looked so miserable and I wondered why it was so unhappy. Then I thought about parrots living in the rain forest and maybe hating the rain. So I drew an umbrella to cheer it up. 

I realized that to try and escape your environment is a difficult thing and Polly would need to overcome not just her environment, but her own reactions to it.

Original sketch that became Polly
Pollys Brolly - Eclectus Parrot in the rain
Pollys Brolly - Eclectus Parrot with leaf
Pollys Brolly - Sad Eclectus Parrot with broken leaf.